
slno Department Name of the Project Name of the Principal Investigator Name of the Funding agency Type (Government/Non-Government) Year Funds sanctioned (INR in lakhs) Duration of the project
1 Hindi A Critical Analysis of PhD thesis awarded by the Universities of Assam Dr. Kusum Kunja Malakar Cotton University In House 2023 100000 18 months
2 Hindi Popularization of Hindi language- A Study on the infrastructure & activity of Hindi promoting organizations based in Guwahati city (Assam) Dr. Kusum Kunja Malakar Cotton University In House 2022 50000 one year
3 Hindi Strengthening of Hindi Section in the Library of Cotton University Dr Kusum Kunja Malakar North East Council, Ministry of DoNER, Govt of India Government 2021 1000000
4 Hindi Asomiya Lok-Natya Dr. Parismita Bordoloi UGC Government 2016 3 Lakh 2 years